E. Dorofeeva

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Kazan Federal University, Russian Federation, elena.dor@mail.ru



The research presents the types of students’ self-study, which is defined asindependent and individual work, in foreign language classes, describes and analyzes the types of self-study,independent and individual work, explores the features and effectiveness of the application of this type of activity in classes to improve the quality of education and acquire a fluent level of foreign language speaking, as well as the issue of the necessityto control the self-study, independent and individual work,by a teacher and self-control by students themselves. Acquiring a foreign language is the utmost importance at the current stage of our society development. It is also noted that every year the young generation has a growing interest in learning foreign languages and obtaining a deeper knowledge in this area.In higher education institutions, this becomes possible in classes and as a result of self-study tasks as well. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of self-study, independent and individual work, to study the features and types of self-study activities, to present the tasks (assignments) for students aimed at complex and effective acquisition of language knowledge, contributing to a significant increase in the level of foreign language skills, as well as to consider ways and methods to control the performance of students’ self-study, independent and individual work. The objectives of the article are to consider and analyze the types of self-study activities in foreign language classes in higher education institutions, to identify the most appropriate and productive types of individual work of students to obtain deeper language knowledge, as well as to identify criteria for the effectiveness of arranging their  self-study, independent and individual work,in foreign language classes in higher education institutions, to pay attention to control over the performance of tasks in the course of self-study by the teacher and self-monitoring by the students themselves.The author presents the examples of self-study and individual work assignments being used in foreign language classes at the university in the course of extracurricular self-study. The ideas behind the article can be used to develop basic pedagogical principles for the application of tasks in students' self-study, independent and individual work,in foreign language classes and to develop various types and instructions to use these tasks, taking into account the level of foreign language skills.

Keywords: self-study, independent and individual work, types of self-study work/activity, foreign language, students, criteria, assignments, tasks, control, assessment, self-control


DOI: https://doi.org/10.46529/socioint.2020117

CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2020- 7th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 15-17 June 2020

ISBN: 978-605-82433-9-2