V.A. Belyanin1, I.B. Barsky2, I.A. Fominyh3, I.N. Sergeeva4, A.I. Melnikova5
1Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russia,
2Senior lecture, Mari State University, Russia,
3Assist. Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russia, Russia
4Senior lecture, Mari State University, Russia,
5Assist. Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russia,


The urgency of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that the state standards of general education define the subject results of geometric preparation of students, and the state standard of training bachelors - future mathematics teachers spells out the professional competence of the teacher without regard to the profile and there are no approximate educational programs. The primary task of pedagogical universities is the development of a program of disciplines in geometry that meet modern requirements for the training of future teachers. It is necessary to choose the optimal volume and content of geometric disciplines, the most effective and rational ways of teaching students.
The article presents one of the possible options for the content of the program of geometric disciplines, developed by the department of teaching methods of mathematics, computer science and natural science disciplines of the Mari State University for the direction of training 44.03.05 Pedagogical education, Training profiles: Mathematics and Physics, qualification - bachelor. The program is the basis of the geometric training of future teachers of mathematics and takes into account the many years of experience of teachers in the department.
During the development of the program, the following were taken into account: the limited time allowed for the study of this course; a large amount of independent work of students; combination of the presentation of theoretical questions and illustration of their application in various branches of mathematics, physics and other natural sciences; relationship with the school course geometry. The program involves the preparation of a bachelor - a teacher of mathematics and physics, who must master all the sections of geometry considered in this article and it is easy to design a school course of geometry depending on changes in school curricula and textbooks.

The program involves teaching students how to solve practical problems using geometric methods. We consider both the simplest concrete examples illustrating the use of geometric concepts for the study of real phenomena, and special tasks from the physics course.

Keywords: geometric training bachelors, geometry course, interdisciplinary communication geometry


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1