Actual problems of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in the conditions of transformation of modern technical education


Svetlana Korshunova1*, Nadezhda Lapynina2, Maria Marina3


1Candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University, Russia, E-mail:

  2Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University,Russia, E-mail:

3Director of the Museum of engineering, Voronezh State Technical University, Russia, E-mail:

*Corresponding Author


The article considers the features of transformation of technical education in the conditions of formation of a digital society. The authors reveal the role of human capital in the modern economy, which is carried by University graduates. The use of the predictive method helped to analyze the requirements that the digital economy will soon impose on students of technical universities. The main competencies necessary for a modern professional are highlighted, which include not only theoretical and applied engineering knowledge, but also an aggregate of new professional and socio-cultural competencies.

The authors consider in detail the internal content of soft skills, which they understand as a key intangible asset in the structure of human capital. It is proved that only social and humanitarian disciplines are fully capable of providing the formation of these soft skills.

 The authors conclude that it is necessary to strengthen the role of social and humanitarian knowledge in technical education, since it meets the needs of the digital society and can ensure the unity of intuitive, emotional, visual, and logical thinking of a modern specialist.  

Keywords: Digital society, digitalization, human capital, soft skills, competence, professional competence, technical universities, social and humanitarian knowledge.



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2020- 7th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 15-17 June 2020

ISBN: 978-605-82433-9-2