
Political and Social Faculty, Padjadjaran University Bandung West Java, University Islam Riau, Email:



The starting point of the recruitment and structural selection process of civil servants is that they should not point to differences from various backgrounds in the bureaucracy (i.e.age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation). Understanding diversity is an important prerequisite for managing the recruitment and selection process. Indonesian country has gone through various recruitment systems for civil servants (PNS). But taken from each system, there are always various problems related to collusion, corruption, and nepotism.

Since 2013 the West Java Provincial Government is one of the provinces in Indonesia that uses Open recruitment is a new recruitment system where echelon II positions are publicly announced with the aim of minimizing the occurrence of nepotism, collusion and being able to produce the right people in structural positions (people who right in the right place). Merit system is one of the efforts used by the Indonesian government. Aims to produce civil servants who are competent in their fields and influence the quality of public services. But in reality it turns out that this system still cannot answer all recruitment problems, this is caused by several things, the competencies possessed are not in accordance with the position promoted, there are still few who follow the auction process for structural positions.

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and takes the theory of open bidding where these terms are open recruitment terminology, which provides opportunities to candidates from external organizations, organizational goals for getting competent employees can be implemented.

The results showed that the open recruitment system was well carried out and made several changes in a positive direction including elected officials, minimizing the direct engagement made by regional heads. The competence of elected officials has been tested through several test phases. Studies show that public administrations that practice merit-based recruitment of their personnel are significantly less marked by corruption than administrations that do not recruit in this manner, there are some weaknesses that arise such as time tends to be longer and need high costs too. But overall, the open recruitment system has a pretty good impact on the recruitment system of Civil Servants in Indonesia.

Keywords: Recruitment Bureaucracy, Merit System, Open Recruitment.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1