Kozina I. B.1*, Borisova E. Y.2, Krandaeva T.A.3
1Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Mari State University, Russia, kozira@list.ru
2Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Mari State University, Russia, elenaborpsy@yandex.ru
3Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding author


The article analyses the results of the study concerning the specificity of socialisation processes of younger students with intellectual disability studying in the conditions of inclusive and special education. Within the framework of the study implemented with the support of RFBR (research project No 18-013-00861), in order to test the hypothesis concerning the specificity of socialisation processes of primary school students with intellectual disabilities when studying in different conditions, a diagnostic involving the usage of a set of techniques aimed at both studying the characteristics of children and at studying the individual characteristics of the social situation of development. The analysis of the results of the study of separate social competence components shows that students in the conditions of inclusion, compared to their peers, students of correctional schools, are characterised by less pronounced manifestations of social maladjustment and more harmonious family relationships, however, there are difficulties in recognising the emotional state of other people, insufficient ability to navigate adequately in typical life situations, contradictory trends in the formation of self-image and a number of other negative features of psychosocial development, presumably due to the specificity of social experience. The obtained results constituted the basis for conclusion about the significance of special correctional and developmental work when educating children with intellectual disabilities in the conditions of inclusion which is aimed at creating conditions necessary for successful socialisation of a child with disabilities. The results of the study allowed formulate a conceptual model of psychological and pedagogical support of students in the conditions of inclusion, which involves the implementation of correctional and developmental (training), advisory and preventive activities in relation to various participants of the educational environment (teachers, parents, students with normative development and children with disabilities).

Keywords: socialisation, social adaptation, students with intellectual disabilities, inclusive education, social competence.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1