Perevozchikova L. S.1, Radugin A. A.2, Radugina A. A.3, Nazarenko K. S.4
1Prof. Voronezh State Technical University, Russia,
2Prof. Voronezh State Technical University, Russia,
3Assoc. Prof. Voronezh State Technical University, Russia,
4Assoc. Prof. Voronezh State Technical University, Russia,


Purpose of the article: clarify the meaning of the concept of “patriotism”, reveal the main challenges of the globalization of national state identity, and develop a mechanism to counter these challenges. The analysis revealed the main dimensions of patriotism and found that in the context of globalization, the sociocultural dimension, which manifests itself in the form of a national-state and cosmopolitan identity, acquires the greatest relevance. Globalization is interpreted as an objective-subjective process, in which the global flows and institutions that initiate the processes of deterritorialization, transnationalization, internationalization and de-identification act as an objective basis. and the subject is the forces interested in its results: the world elite, represented by financial and industrial corporations, owners of TNCs, etc. The subject of globalization seeks to reformat the identity of the population from a national state to a cosmopolitan one. The tool of such reformatting is the ideology and practice of Westernism. To resist such reformatting in order to preserve its national-state identity in the context of globalization is possible only on the basis of the ideology and practice of patriotism. In this connection, national states are faced with the task of opposing the striving of the world elite to form a cosmopolitan identity, opposing this striving to the construction of patriotism on the basis of national-state identity. The construction of such an identity should be carried out on the basis of the design of the image of the Motherland, widely applying information and communication technologies. Special emphasis in this process should be given to national cultural traditions, using historical memory, in which, in the minds of the population, significant historical events associated with national successes are imprinted. As a mechanism, you should also use visual tools that create a visual image of the motherland. These can be monuments of past glory, the national emblem, the flag and other attributes of national statehood. The final result of this design should be the creation of an attractive brand of the country, as a country with high economic, political and cultural achievements.

Keywords: globalization as an objective-subjective process, information and communication technologies, sociocultural dimension of identity, westernism, de-identification, transnationalization, patriotism as a spiritual and moral value, social construction, image of the Motherland.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1