Jan Betta1*, Agnieszka Skomra2
1Dr., Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, jan.betta@pwr,edu.pl
2M. of Sc. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, agnieszka.skomra@pwr.edu.pl
*Corresponding author


During the Summer semester 2018, an innovative educational experiment has been conceived and implemented at the Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland (named PWR). It’s main goal was to check three hypothesis:
H1 Transparency in educational process is an important factor of students motivation and their work’s efficiency
H2 Application of Scrum methodology stimulates students creativity and originality of project management and final product
H3  An agile approach to educational process raises the students and teacher level of life quality during the classes    
The participants were master’s students of Management, and the study subject was Advanced Project Management, devoted mainly to agile projects management. In eight teams, the students worked managing a project, using Scrum methodology. Scrum is a leading agile methodology, based on empiricism, which one of three pillars is transparency. Scrum, developed initially for IT project management, from few years is perceived as adequate and efficient methodology for managing projects other than IT, particularly in administration and non-governmental organizations. The project selected and managed during the experiment was a change project in social services area. The teacher initialised and lead this experiment, assured a feedback and used lessons learned in order to confirm/reject the hypothesis H1, H2 and H3 and to improve the educational processes in the future.
Apart from checking H1, H2 and H3 hypothesis, the objectives of experiment were:

  1. Check Scrum methodology for management of the social change project
  2. Check how the transparency of stakeholders management impacts on team project work’s quality and the project results
  3. Understand better Scrum by students in practise
  4. Identify project team activities during two sprints
  5. Check the level of stakeholders identification with the change, achieved using Scrum
The observation by active participation of the teacher and ex-post feedback affirm three hypotheses and prove five objectives achievement.

Keywords: Teaching, Scrum, Agile, Change Project


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1