Migrant Minors’ langauge Rights within education context: What information should be provided at the border crossing points and accomModation centers? (A case of Russia)*


Anastasia Atabekova1**, Rimma Gorbatenko2, Tatiana Zelyanina3

1Prof. Dr., Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, aaatabekova@gmail.com

2Associate professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, gorbatenko_rg@pfur.ru

3Master program student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RUSSIAN FEDERATION


**Corresponding author



The paper focuses on the migrants’ language and rights in general and minors’ language rights within education context in particular. The research grounds on international and regional declarations and conventions, Russian legislation for minor refugees’ language rights regarding education, the theory of language policy and education, Russian language policy provisions and their implementation.

The research goal is to explore legislation that migrant parents should be informed while crossing the hosting country border and staying at temporary accommodation centers in Russia

The research methodology combines desk studies and case analysis, explores normative regulations, considers academic publications on the topic under study and moves toward case studies of concrete situations across various regions of Russia related to promising practices and negative experiences of language rights provision for minor refugees’ education.

The research results have made it possible to map institutions that engage in minor refugees’ language rights provision and provide concrete practices regarding the above-mentioned institutions activities.

The case study findings have led to the research conclusions on the most obvious obstacles. The case analysis laid grounds for drafting recommendations on further possible steps to improve the situation with minor refugees’ language rights provision for their integration in Russian education system.

Keywords: migrant minors, language rights, information for migrants at border crossing points.


* The publication was prepared with support of the RUDN University Programme 5-100, grant under project М 4.1.1. П4


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0