Elena Kartashova1, Ksenia Balysheva2*, Aleksey Mikheev3

1Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russia,
2Assoc. Prof. Dr., Mari State University, Russia,
3Ph. D. Student, Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding Author


One of the fundamental problems of text interpretation is the opposition between the discreteness of text semantics, which includes the firmly laid out intention of the author, and the historical variability of its interpretation marked by the cultural and historical context as well as the reader’s thesaurus. Text theory which has been formed since the middle of the twentieth century admits the autonomy of the text and calls into question its homogeneity. Representation of the text as a complex structure of dissimilar utterances obviously complicates the process of its interpretation. The attempts to resolve these problems are undertaken within the framework of intertextuality theory which includes a wide variety of approaches. The postmodern intertextuality theory continues ideas of M. Bakhtin but with significant changes. Intertextuality is treated extremely broadly, acquiring features not of a fictional method but of a model of reality in which texts exist. The subsequent development of intertextuality theory is characterized by a distinct tendency to narrow and specify this concept as a complex of extraneous inclusions in the text, which ensure its connection with other texts and the surrounding world. This approach turns out to be most productive for science and involves the analysis of specific intertextual elements in the text, its types, stylistic and semantic functions. In addition to intertextual elements, such as citations and allusions, there is also an extensive class of precedent phenomena, including precedent names, toponyms, situations, etc. The nature of intertextuality and precedent phenomena inclusion can vary depending on the discourse type to which a particular text belongs. The analysis of intertextuality and precedent phenomena in various types of discourses implies detection of intertextual elements in texts of a particular discourse type and identification of a precedent source of an intertextual borrowing, its type and functions, resulting in the description of the system of intertextual inclusions and the role of intertextuality in the discourse under analysis. This paper assumes the analysis of Pushkin's texts in different types of discourse: 1) fictional discourse which includes works of poetic, dramatic and prosaic works; 2) epistolary discourse, including the poet's personal correspondence with his contemporaries; 3) literary-critical discourse which includes a complex of literary-critical articles published in a number of journals. This study is aimed at a comparative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative peculiarity of the usage of intertextual elements and precedent phenomena in various discourses of A.S. Pushkin’s works.

Keywords: Intertextuality, precedent phenomena, discourse, works by A.S. Pushkin


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0