Flera Saifulina1, Elzara Gafiyatova2*
1Doctor in Philology, Professor, Kazan Federal University, Russia,
2Ph. D. in Philology, Kazan Federal University, Russia,
*Corresponding author


The article deals with the term “Forest” in the national Tatar literature. Being the most flexible instrument of spiritual communication between a person and society, between generations, nations and social strata of society, Literature performs educational and cognitive functions. We think that the most important function of our work is aesthetic, since cognition, upbringing, as well as the formation of beliefs and the development of the senses in modern literature, is carried out only in its own way.  The aim of our research is to describe modern national Tatar Literature beginning with the 1970s till the present day. The methods of continuous sampling, of linguistic description and the comparative method have been highly important tools for this research. The object of this study is the reflection of the term "forest" in the national literature. Mention should be made of the fact that even in ancient times the culture of each ethnos was believed to develop in harmony with the surrounding landscape (an important element of which is the forest), its natural region of residence. Ten (10) works of that period are under study in the present article. Nowadays, the irreplaceable role of forests as an ecological framework of the biosphere, the main component of natural complexes determining the stability and ecological balance on the planet, is universally recognized. The issues of rational use of forests without damaging nature have acquired a global character and have been discussed in national literature since the 1970s. They are associated with the development of technology. In modern literature, they are reflected as a global spiritual crisis of mankind.

Keywords: national literature, Tatar literature, modern national literature, term “Forest”, culture


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0