I. B. Kozina1, E. Y. Borisova2, O. V. Danilova3, E. V. Koryakova4

1Associate Professor, Mari State University, 2Associate Professor Mari State University,  3Senior lecturer, Mari State University, 4Lecturer, Mari State University,


Due to increase in the number of children with various forms of dysontogenesis it is necessary to search effective ways of correction of deviant mental and speech development. Neuropsychological approach in correctional work is one of the most efficient ways to make development of a child with disabilities more normal. The research outcomes showed that the neuropsychological approach provides positive changes in regulatory, praxical, gnostical and speech processes.

The article presents analysis of correction of mental development of preschool children with systemic speech underdevelopment caused by various forms of mental dysontogenesis (general speech underdevelopment and mental retardation).

The diagnostic programme of the research included individual samples of battery of tests adapted for children by A. Luria (T. Akhutina et al., Zh. Glozman et al.) The test battery included 22 samples that were analyzed due to 73 parameters. The researchers were interested in the fact of how effective the neuropsychological approach was in training of children brought up in bilingual environment.

At the initial stage during the academic year complex remedial work based on combination of kinetic and cognitive correction was carried out in individual and group forms. One of the main ideas of the programme making was the methodology of succenturiate ontogenesis that is the basic neuropsychological technology of correction, prevention and habilitation of children with different degree of development developed by A. Semenovich. This method is based on the theory of three functional blocks of the brain and learning about neuropsychological rehabilitation of mental processes by A. Luria. The basis of the methodology is the principle of correspondence of a current status of a child with the main stages of the brain organization of mental processes and the following retrospective reproduction of the ontogenesis parts that were not effectively developed due to different reasons.

Analysis of the final outcomes of the research proves the effectiveness of the differentiated remedial work made with the account of relevant capabilities of a child defined on the basis of the neuropsychological status. The revealed tendencies determine the necessity of psychological and pedagogical support of children of preschool age with disabilities with the account of the neuropsychological status of a child and specific character of multilingual social and cultural environment.

: dysontogenesis, neuropsychological approach, remedial work, speech pathology.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0