Aliya Abdrakhmanova1*, Marina Vinnikova2, Guzel Vassafova3, Liliya Islamova4

1Assoc. Prof., Kazan Federal University, Russia, z_aliya@mail.ru

2Assoc. Prof., Kazan Federal University, Russia, MNVinnikova@kpfu.ru

3Assoc. Prof., Kazan State Agricultural University, Russia,  f.guzel-73@mail.ru

4Senior Lecturer, Kazan State Agricultural University, Russia, liliyarustamovna@mail.ru

*Corresponding author



The article is devoted to the relevance and features of the formation of the key competencies among students of the Humanities at the non-linguistic universities (linguistic, regulatory, intercultural and communicative).

The aim of the study is the theoretical substantiation of the features and development of technology for the formation of key competencies in foreign language classes at a non–linguistic university. The following features of teaching a foreign language are considered: interdisciplinary, integration, multilevel, multifunctionality, heterogeneity and infinite character. The principles of formation of key competencies in the process of teaching the foreign language are defined, among them personal goal-setting, the choice of individual educational trajectory, learning productivity, the primacy of the student’s educational products, situationality, educational reflection. Higher professional education puts forward the need to train a competitive specialist.

The authors identified disadvantages in the teaching of a foreign language at the non-linguistic universities, among them insufficient level of foreign language proficiency; lack of new methods of teaching and learning materials (the global IT industry does not solve this problem, it only helps); lack of relationship between classes in a foreign language and in specialized disciplines. In the context of the study, the authors consider key language competencies as components of the professional competence of a specialist in the humanities. The role of individual and personal factors is extremely important when teaching a foreign language to students of the humanities. During educational activities, each student manifests himself in different ways. Someone has a great concentration of attention, memory, great activity of thought processes. Someone is characterized by a quick reaction. Someone, unfortunately, does not have such personality qualities. Such differences are confirmed by the scientific conclusions of many scientists.

Keywords: Education, Pedagogy, Foreign Language, Key Competencies, Computer Teaching Methods


DOI: https://doi.org/10.51508/intcess.202340

CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2023- 10th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 23-25 January, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-72065-0-3