Irina Bakhmetieva1*, Vladimir Gorbunov2, Omari Margalitadze3

1Associate Professor, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, RUSSIA,
2Associate Professor, the State University of Land Use Planning, RUSSIA, 
3Associate Professor, the State University of Land Use Planning, RUSSIA,
*Corresponding Author


Purpose: The aim of the paper is to reveal what ways of modern Russian society development the students of the three high educational establishments:  the State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow, Russia; Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia and Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk, Russia, consider most essential. The emphasis on the student audience is not accidental and is put down to the fact that modern ways of Russia’s development are evaluated by homelanders or New Silent Generation who are about to take key positions in the Russian society.  .  

Methodology: The basis of the research is All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center’s (VTsIOM) methodology used in May 2019 by the sociologists who asked  1,600 Russians the following question: “What does Russia have to achieve in order to be considered a great power?” (A closed-ended question, no more than two possible options could be chosen). In May-June 2019, the authors, using the VTsIOM methodology, conducted a selective anonymous sociological study among the undergraduate and graduate students at the State University of Land Use Planning. The sample size was 234 young people. A similar study was conducted in November 2019 at Voronezh State Pedagogical University, in which 82 students took part. In November 2019, 103 students were interviewed at Kemerovo State University. Thus, the total sample size was 419 young people aged 18 to 23 in a gender ratio of 71% (women): 29% (men). The authors used the classical methods of sampling and preparing questions, as well as interviewing the respondents in order to obtain independent judgments.

Result: In the students’ answers the priority was given to developed modern economy, ensuring a high level of the citizens’ well-being, the development of science and introduction of high technology. The other key factors are personal well-being and prosperity and the opportunity to develop people’s talents. Besides, the responsiveness of the society and the state to rapid technological changes and freedom for entrepreneurial initiative were also mentioned in the questionnaires. Thus, today’s youth, their active part, the students, are able to assess adequately the processes taking place in the country and the world. As true patriots, they are concerned about the country’s successes and individual failures, offer their vision to bolster Russia’s international credibility and improve the socio-economic situation of the population. Not only do they want to make Russia an influential world power, but they also hope to see it attractive in terms of living standards and in relation to human capital, which is the most expensive resource that the country has. 
Application: The study can be of interest to scholars, university professionals and students.

Keywords: questioning, social survey, young generation, students’ opinion, Russian society development


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2020- 7th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 20-22 January 2020- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-8-5