Nadezhda Khakhulina1, Boris Popov2, Julia Netrebina3, Tamara Kharitonova4

1Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84,Voronezh, Russia, E-mail: hahulina@mail.ru
2Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84,Voronezh, Russia, E-mail: b.p.geo@yandex.ru
3Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84,Voronezh, Russia, E-mail: juliya_net@mail.ru
4Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84,Voronezh, Russia, E-mail: haritonova.toma@yandex.ru


Project-based learning is a non-traditional learning model that seeks to better prepare students for solving real problems and problems, while at the same time teaching them what they need to know in the natural research process. Project training is used in systems of school, technical and higher education. The article discusses design activities in the process of school and university education. The features and positive aspects of the use of project-oriented training in the educational process are considered. Examples of projects for schools and universities on the example of various disciplines are given. The necessity of using projects and research in the learning process based on the results obtained is proved. The conclusions drawn from the results of the study make students and all interested people also think about environmental problems, which today should be of paramount importance.

Keywords: project activities, project-oriented training, self-education, research.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2020- 7th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 20-22 January 2020- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-8-5