Rio Alfajri

Master of Science Candidate, International Development Studies, Wageningen University and Research, NETHERLANDS



The concept of governance has become omnipresent since 1980s. There were several issues in the world which attracted people to be aware to this governance notion. Beforehand, it could be described as social and political processes which exist only in hierarchical and formal institutions. Nowadays, it is related to all processes of governing which is not only carried out by hierarchically set of actors, but also by the other actors such as market and informal organization. Both of them can govern, produce coordination, and make decision. Governance concept emphasizes on the steering society by decision-making process for a collective problem and the interaction among actors involved behind it. As a result, governance lead to the production, enforcement, or recreating of norms to control the community included in those particular social norms and institutions. Interest in the notion of governance is mostly originated from the reforms in public sector which is began in the 1980s. There are several new forms of governance which has arisen to replace the state-centred management policy making and its implementation. Although, according to Torfing et al. these new governance forms still have general conception with respect to steering and controlling society and economy, there is a shifting in the style of steerage. The shifting occurred is from legal rigid approach to more interactive governance; from formal state actors and governmental procedures to the routes where individuals and various organizations work together. In other word, the form of governance beyond state started to emerge in both theoretical and practical. More than thirty years have elapsed since the reforms in public sector started. The new governance involves many stakeholders in the governing process. The apparent of non-state actors following upon these reforms. It is indicated by the interdependence between formal and informal authority which are able to constitute, supplement, and supplant each other. Thus, it can be a challenge to the state which has become the only central on governance. Thus, with the weak distinction between states and other domains of social order makes it relevant to raise the question whether or not the new governance (beyond state) undermines the state itself. The primary argument of this essay is state will not be disrupted by the existence of the new governance beyond state. This argument relies on two theoretical reasons. First of all, in order to gain legitimacy on its power, nation state must embody three distinct elements according to Beetham. These three elements can be achieved by state through using the new form of governance. The essay will use the dynamic on global climate governance as an example to bolster this argument, specifically for the legal conformity element. Secondly, the state can play four different faces of power from Torfing et al. in exercising its power over other actors in interactive governance to control the agenda to match with state interest.

Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Interactive Governance, Power



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4