interdisciplinary approach in promoting earth construction techniques in the banat region, ROMANIA


Florescu Elena Roxana1*, Bica Smaranda Maria2

1Arch. PhD student,”Politehnica” University Timișoara, Faculty of Architecture,

2 Prof. Dr. Arch.,”Politehnica” University Timișoara, Faculty of Architecture,

*Corresponding author



With the current development of the Banat region in Western Romania, the elements that define its patrimony and regional identity begin to be acknowledged and promoted. The former province of the Habsburg Empire, the Banat region constituted the territory of massive colonization at the middle of the 18th century – beginning of the 19th century in order to create a military outpost in front of the Ottoman Empire's offensive. In order to achieve this strategic goal, a massive process of colonization was undertaken, bringing craftsmen from several areas of the Habsburg Empire - Germans, French, Italians and Spanish, gathered for developing this previously unoccupied territory.

The systematization of the territory thus leads to the development of villages by adapting the constructive techniques to the existing local resources. These colonization periods denote sustainability in terms of regional development as they promoted the alignment of local traditions with the new pattern of organization of localities and individual dwellings imposed by the Habsburg Empire. All these regulatory measures have also set up a regional specificity - the villages organized in the chessboard style with dwellings using earth as the main building material.

Nowadays, the heritage elements have to be acknowledged for their unique character - the adaptation of foreign influences on the background of a local civilization, the development of a typical rural Baroque in Banat. The current necessity of promoting this kind of architecture comes at a time when rural areas are abandoned. Local initiatives aim to make good use of this regional brand - earth constructions, in order to provide identity and continuity to a diffuse rural territory. The contact with European heritage research centers – CRAterre France, constituted key elements in addressing the promotion and preservation methodology.

In order to ground the initiative, an awareness campaign was undertaken about the potential of earthen architecture as a regional brand through workshops in local festivals, school presentations, exploratory trips. An interdisciplinary approach to social and constructive efforts is the only one able to inspire a contemporary and sustainable perspective on this type of heritage. What needs to be developed is a regional strategy for promoting the existing heritage, both among civil society, as well as for construction specialists, sociologists, local artisans, potential tourists.

Keywords: Interdisciplinary workshops, sustainability, earth constructions, regional brand.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4