Anastasia Belousova1*, Alexander Belousov2
1Dr.of International Law, RUDN-University, Russian Federation, belousova.rudn@gmail.com
2Full Professor of History, RUDN-University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, a.belousov@rudn.ru
*Corresponding Author


The current importance of the research topic stems from the fact that abortion has always remained a rather acute topic for violent disputes between its supporters and opponents.
The position of the states in this matter has never been and cannot become similar, at least because of the difference in scientific and technical development, the level of life and the level of medicine, religion and traditions. The recognition of a woman’s right to abortion is a controversial and still unresolved issue among the global community.

The paper develops a new theoretical conceptual framework of legal study: it considers the termination of pregnancy in the context of the international legal protection of the rights of the child, and focuses on the legal protection of the unborn child.

The above framework has shaped the research goal: to analyse international legislation with regard to two controversial rights, namely the right of a woman to dispose of her body or the life of an unborn child.

The research followed qualitative methodology and used comparative legal analysis as the main tool. Legal content analysis and interpretation techniques were also used.
The research materials included basic international legal documents, both at the universal and at the regional levels, dedicated to the protection of the rights of the child. The study focused on international legal instruments in the field of human rights in order to identify the provisions on the protection of the rights of the unborn child.
The research findings made it possible to identify challenges within international legislation regarding the rights of an unborn child that the research explored and qualified.

: international law, human rights, child’s rights, right of an unborn child


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, UAE

ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4