Higher Education in Programme “Judicial Administration”- a Prerequisite for Effective Justice


Darina Dimitrova1*, Diana Dimitrova2

1 Assoc. Prof. PhD, "Legal Studies" Department at the University of Economics - Varna, BULGARIA, darina@ue-varna.bg

2 Chief Ass. Prof. PhD, "Legal Studies" Department at the University of Economics - Varna, BULGARIA, dianadim@ue-varna.bg

*Corresponding Author



The development of the judicial system is related to the improvement of the judicial administration, which is directly dependent on the education of the judicial officers. The relevance of the topic stems from the need for judicial reform, which is inextricably related to the activities of the judicial administration in order to fully participate in the optimization of the administration of justice. The scientific objective of the present work is to examine some basic aspects of the training of students of the programme “Judicial Administration”. This publication examines issues and problems related to the acquisition of the profession of judicial officer in the light of the efficiency of justice. Anonymous surveys were conducted with students of the programme "Judicial Administration", studying at the University of Economics - Varna. For this purpose, questionnaires were constructed and the data obtained from them were summarized and analyzed. The possibilities for professional realization of the graduated students as employees in the judiciary system are also examined. The following scientific methods are used as the methodological basis of the study: logic-grammatical, systematic, structural, analytical, formal-legal, summary method. As a result of the analysis, conclusions and summaries are drawn, and solutions are proposed for improving the work of the administration of the judiciary. The present study was developed in the framework of the national scientific project NPI № 57 of 2022 on "Legal Relations and Status of Persons in the Judiciary in the Conditions of Digitalization".

Keywords: higher education, judicial administration, justice, administrative law.



DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10001214 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10001214)

CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2023- 9th International Conference on Advances in Education, 16-17 October 2023

ISBN: 978-605-72065-3-4