Herita Warni1, ISMI Rajiani2*

1Dr., Lambung Mangkurat University, INDONESIA, hwarni@ulm.ac.id

2Dr., University of Muhammadiyah Gresik, INDONESIA, ismi.rajiani@umg.ac.id

*Corresponding Author



Athlete character formation in the industrial era 4.0 has become a problem. Presence information and technology increasingly massive change almost all aspects of life, including the behavior of athletes. IT presence on the downside makes athletes more focused on the gadget. More time is used to play the gadget, so it takes time to sleep and rest. However, in an era of android who increasingly dominate the life, there are athletes who have the character of a sportsman who remain focused on achievement. It is interesting to explore, what indeed has formed the character of these athletes? To the researchers tried to express it through a qualitative approach to the paradigm of naturalistic inquiry, using the model of Miles and Huberman (1984). Researchers tried to discover the characteristics of a top athlete out of the exercise system that has become standard references including the use of science and technology to establish the athlete. But trying to trace the background of athletes, both background related to the family environment, socio-economic environment, and environmental practice. The study was conducted in South Kalimantan using primary data sources excel at sport sportsman Wrestling and Weightlifting, while the supporting data are trainers, coaches, significant people (parents, brothers and husbands / wives of the athlete). From these results, it was found that the formation of strong character on top athletes is caused by habits that become habit. This close relation to the significant people such as parents and siblings were also former athletes, such as environmental and social environment and background of the athlete's life. Besides, it also formed a formidable character sportsman influenced by the environment that is conducive to practice, and the factor of discipline by the coach of the athlete. Background search destination that affects the formation of formidable character athletes in reaching this achievement is to find details in forming the character of supporting and find the seeds or candidates for top athletes.

Keywords: Habits, Character, Tough


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8