Darya Ossokina1*, Botagoz Murzalina2

1Darya Ossokina, PhD student, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, KAZAKHSTAN, Osokinado@gmail.com
2Botagoz Murzalina, Prof., Dr., Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, KAZAKHSTAN, murzalina_bota@mail.ru
*Corresponding Author


The aim of this paper is to analyze “buzz” words and phrases of the modern English language in the field of education in terms of their origin, semantics and pragmatics. We base our analysis on investigations of broad range of information sources such as printed and electronic scientific publications on the theme of the research, dictionaries and electronic educational buzzwords glossaries. The analyzed lexical units are viewed from the language teacher’s position paying special attention to vogue words and phrases used in learning process. A review of literature on using educational terminology, neologisms and buzzwords in general reveals that one of the major challenges in teaching and language learning is understanding professional words in educational sphere. It is shown that a buzzword is a word relevant for its era, bearing a hint of novelty. In the framework of the presented research, attention is focused on the origin of buzzwords, their semantics and functions.

In this paper we make an attempt to reveal the differential characteristics of buzzwords that accompany their development. The feasibility of the broadest interpretations of this newly formed vocabulary associated with the extreme complexity of interpreting their semantic structure. Therefore the lexical meaning of the objects under study is being analyzed.  The present research considers the stages of buzzwords development, as well as identifies the reasons for appearance, extension and disappearance of individual words and expressions. This paper presents an analysis of linguistic and extra linguistic factors that determine the main trends in the formation of vogue language units in modern English.

The results of the study showed that fashionable words in the field of education vary from country to country due to the diversity of trends in the education system. However, some buzzwords common to most countries have been identified, owing to the globalization of educational processes. Also, from the point of view of origin, the form or meaning of buzzwords is associated with novelty and break with tradition. Moreover, in the semantic sense, the following parameters of buzzwords are noted: modernity and relevance, short duration (dynamism, temporal effectiveness), mass character or frequency, demonstrativeness - originality (divergence from the generally accepted standart), brightness of content. Furthermore, in the functional aspect, a buzzword can act as a productive model for creating new words and an incentive for implementing new concepts and ideas. All things considered, a conclusion proposed is on the prospects of studying buzzwords and language fashion in general.

Keywords: Buzzword, modern English, language fashion, term, neologism, lexical meaning, professionalism, special vocabulary.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8