Rana Abid Thyab1, Ruqaiya B. Abdurrahman2

1Ms. College of Education for Women- Tikrit University, IRAQ ranajazaa2019@gmail.com

2Ms. College of Education for Women- Tikrit University, IRAQ




The English Language has become a worldwide language. Likewise, learning English as a second/foreign language has become a necessity and requirement in most educational systems all over the globe. Yet, most non-native English speakers, whom learn English as a second language sound differently than native English speakers. Certainly, many other defining differences appear to distinguish learners of English as a second/foreign language from their native counterparts. Reasons are plenty and cannot be summed up that easily, nevertheless, language teaching environments play a central and major role in the learning process. Whether it is the teacher, learner herself/himself, educational materials or teaching methods being used inside and outside the classroom. Herein, focus in on the ways, skills and methods. Within this paper, it is concluded that language teaching, in general, and the English language, particularly, should be conducted through the implementation of teaching methods that focus more on production rather than process. English, is a widely used language, and speakers of English, especially students of English as a second/foreign language should be educated to be capable of understanding and using the English language fluently and smoothly, similar to natives. Hence, application of communicative methodologies and approaches is mainly supported, within this paper. Improvement of learners communicative skills and abilities rather just correctness and knowledge of grammar rules, forms and patterns is suggested, herein, to lead to better English proficiency, and more native-like, fluent communication. Consequently, the aim, in this paper, is to point out the need of taking this matter into serious concern and to present recommendations for better English as a second/foreign language learning and teaching, all in hope of better English language proficiency and ability. This paper supports modern methods of English as a second/foreign language teaching, especially following communicative approaches. This paper highlights better competence of English and more native-like student capability and skill, especially speaking and listening skills, if such methods, as well as suggestions and reasons, within this paper, were taken into consideration. The aim of this paper is to stress on the fact that using communicative methodologies in English as a second/foreign language teaching and learning is an obligatory part of second/foreign language learning. A further aim is to confirm the need for more learner-centered teaching due to the fact that such teaching skills are lacking in English as a second/foreign language classrooms. This is certainly, dissimilar to native English colleagues, whom involve English language students and learners in native/native-like communication in English language. Following such trends in second/foreign language teaching are suggested to be possible solutions that, in turn, would help and, hence, lead to better English as a second/foreign language competence and achievement.

Keywords: Communicative method, English, teaching


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8