1Krutko I.S., 2Masalimova A.R., 3Ponomarev A.V., 4Popova N.V., 5Senuk Z.V.  

1Russia, Prof. Dr.Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltzin,
2Kazakhstan, Prof.Dr. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
3Russia, Prof. Dr.Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltzin,
4Russia, Dr.Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltzin,
5Russia, Dr.Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltzin,


This article reveals the mission of universities in the context of global changes and new challenges of our time.  The idea that society enhances human capital and competitiveness through the development of education, science, and innovation is grounded.  Intellectual capital is a real resource accumulated based on the human, social potential of society.  In this context, the role of universities, as research and educational centers, as a special academic environment in which students receive deep professional knowledge and are formed as individuals with a high culture, is being actualized.  It is suggested that a higher school at the present stage should be ready to train gifted and already very well trained applicants, meet their needs and provide a high-quality level of teaching.

The authors emphasize the need of cultivating knowledge in the modern world.  The idea of  person’s improving and technological progress now more than ever takes root in our minds - to be competitive, you need to be able to do what you will need to do tomorrow.

The article holds the idea that the 21st century is embraced by such a trend as accelerated obsolescence of experience.  Technique and science, progressing with astonishing speed, contribute to the obsolescence of a large number of phenomena and, accordingly, human experience in certain areas.  Universities are becoming a kind of hubs of the modern professional world - knowledge is always insufficient, skills are not very developed, skills require even more practice.

The results of an empirical study of the ideas about successful learning and the features of the perception of the problems of successful learning by subjects of the educational process are presented.  The perception of the success of the educational process at the university is similar among respondents (graduates of various universities and specialties); respondents emphasized the social factor of success.

In order to be successful, it is not enough just to have a knowlrdge, it is also necessary to be able to do what others are unable to do.  New technologies are increasingly being introduced into the everyday area of human’s life.  In such conditions, the value of a person’s unique creative activity rises.  Higher education in Russia and Kazakhstan responds to these challenges of our time, realizing the need for a new methodology and the introduction of alternative teaching methods.  Therefore, the Ural Federal University since this year is changing the forms and content of training, moving to a mixed format of training on online platforms and project forms.

All of the above indicates that a modern person needs to have knowledge of a new format.  Our era puts forward new, sometimes seemingly unattainable requirements for a person as a professional.  That is why the cult of knowledge is not only a factor of competitiveness, but also a factor in the existence of modern man.

Keywords: university education, global challenges of our time, the success of training.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8