Klodiana Rafti

Dr., Mediterranean University of Albania, Albania,


The purpose of this study is to develop data on the experience of mediators in order to explore the working methods of family mediators from mediators’ own point of view. More specifically, the objective of this qualitative study is to explore the effectiveness of family mediation models of practice in the family mediation field they find most effective in their work linked to high conflict disputes and sensitive issues treated in the field. The study focused on which are the most effective family mediation approaches that mediators use in practice and in what way do they play a part in mediation process with regard to dispute resolution. This study aims to provide a detailed picture on the actual experience of twenty mediators, drawn from the Albanian National Chamber of Mediators, in order to explore the effectiveness of models of practice from mediators’ own point of view by using a qualitative method design. The purpose of semi-structured interviews was to discuss the mediators’ perceptions on the effectiveness of family mediation with regard to models of practice, and permitted discussion about the effectiveness of mediation in resolving with conflict family issues dealing with divorce.The findings of the study provide an empirical evidence of family mediation practice in Albania analysing the factors and features affecting mediation in terms of models of practice linked to problematic issues. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that models/approaches in use partially highlight those models reflected in the academic literature. The findings show that mediators make only use of structured-negotiation model, transformative model, caucus approach/shuttle mediation, narrative mediation, facilitative mediation, and structural model of mediation in practice. However, our findings suggest that the majority of mediators consider the eclectic approach as the most appropriate to solve family disputes as linked to nature of conflict, social-cultural context, and diverse dispute characteristics. Despite the attempt of practicing a diversity of mediation models in practice, this study demonstrates that first, the use of models of practice is ristricted in mediation field with regard to family disputes, and second, the way mediators adopt these practice models of mediation, affects both the process and the outcome of mediation in the attempt to resolve family disputes, and therefore, reaching negotiations.

Keywords: family mediation, dispute resolution, models of practice, working strategies.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8