Valida Dzhabrailova1*, Olga Alekseeva2
Assist. Prof., MGGEU, Russian Federation,
Assist. Prof., MGGEU, Russian Federation,
*Corresponding Author


The research presents an analysis of competitive activities efficiency when used within the frame of the competence based approach, which allows not only updating interdisciplinary communication, but also contributes to the formation of a special motivation to further professional skills mastering in a higher educational institution. The relevance of the study is due to the insignificant amount of theoretical background of the application of competitive activity in the formation of professional competencies in higher education which, if developed, can provide a tool for building knowledge and facilitating successful learning. The study notes that a professional competition involving the pragmatic and cognitive components of education can serve as a starting mechanism in stimulating interest for further profession mastering. The aim of the study is to explore the professionally-oriented competitive activity educational potential when forming competencies for "Translation and Translation Studies" major. The main research methods included theoretical analysis and synthesis of methodological and pedagogical literature, the study of foreign and domestic practices of training specialists, empirical methods - observation, pedagogical experiment, diagnostics, which confirmed the correctness of the initial positions and the effectiveness of the developed system of competitive tasks; auxiliary research methods - analysis of university documentation and methods of statistical processing of empirical data made it possible to evaluate the results of the experiment, to give a theoretical underpinning to the practical results obtained. Terminological analysis showed that at the moment such concepts as “competitive activity” and “competition” are practically not represented in the pedagogical reference literature. The authors conclude that competitive activity, which is interpreted, above all, as an effective form of game training, is a productive and effective means of teaching students. It is noted that a higher school teacher faces a number of difficulties in implementing the above approach in the framework of in-class interaction. On the basis of the retrospective analysis of the experiments involving translation competitions, it is indicated that such a competitive extracurricular event allows us to set a new vector in the development of general and professional competencies among students of the translation major. Theoretical substantiation of the effectiveness of competitive activity as an auxiliary tool in the training of translation specialists can make a certain contribution to the development of the theory of vocational education. The practical significance of the study is the ability to apply the methodology of the competition, presented as a scenario or a set of individual tasks.

Keywords: competitive activity, competence based approach, competence, translation, motivation, interdisciplinary.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8