Galina L. Sokolovaˡ, Anna L. Kolyago²*
1Assos. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
²Assos. Prof., Mari State University, Russia,
*Corresponding Author


In Mari linguistics, stylistic features of a complex sentence are a little-studied area of syntax. Stylistic syntax deals with the study of the stylistic use of different types of complex sentences, syntactic figures, etc. Complex sentences are a distinctive feature of the book speech, they allow you to express thoughts logically and consistently, to evaluate, to give reasons, purposes, conditions, etc. of the occurrence of an action or event. Compound sentences are used in scientific speech to argue conclusions, logic in the description of facts. There are many compound sentences in the works of fiction, as they fully provide an opportunity to reflect the manner of narration. Different types of compound sentences are used for this purpose. In addition, compound sentences, like all complex sentences, use a variety of expressive and stylistic means which are characterized by strong emotionality, to achieve the expressiveness of speech.
In the Mari language, compound sentences appeared under the influence of the Russian language, on the basis of the language's own means and elements for constructing a complex sentence. Until now, in Mari linguistics compound sentences were considered from the position of structural-semantic and logical-semantic classification. The types of compound sentences were determined depending on the ways of connection of parts of a complex sentence. Structural-semantic classification presented compound sentences in the Mari language in the form of two types: articulated and non-articulated compound sentences.

The stylistic evaluation and functions of the syntactic means of the language of compound sentence of the Mari language were not the subject of a special study in the Mari linguistics. Syntax, in our opinion, has a great stylistic potential, which allows us to express the finest shades of the content, attitude to the stated, to emphasize certain aspects of thought.

Keywords: syntax, compound sentence, stylistic potential, expressive and stylistic means


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2019- 5th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 21-23 October 2019- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-7-8