Evgeniya V. Gutman1*, Roza Z. Valeeva2, Lyubov G. Chumarova3, Marina A. Mefodyeva4
1Evgeniya V. Gutman, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia, Egutman@rambler.ru
2Roza Z. Valeeva Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, Kazan University of Culture and Arts, Russia, valroz@inbox.ru
3Lyubov G. Chumarova, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia, chumarova@yandex.ru
4Marina A. Mefodyeva, Ms, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia, anjali@inbox.ru
*Corresponding Author


The article is about teaching undergraduate students to translate professional text. They are taught to translate their research works from their native language into foreign (English). The article describes the teaching methods using in the classes with the students. After secondary school students usually have basic foreign language skills. Students have knowledge of the basic grammar rules of the foreign language; they can speak in pre-intermediate or intermediate level. Studying at the university undergraduate students begin to make their researches in the different fields of knowledge. On the one hand, today it is impossible to pursue researches without reading international scientific articles. On the other hand, students begin to write some articles about their researches to some foreign magazines. And in this case students have some difficulties. First of all, these are so called “false friends of interpreters” e.g. international words which pronounced the same way as in the native language but they have completely different meaning. It is not easy to find the exact translations or the terms or professional words especially in specific fields of science. The article analyzes what methods and exercises can help to teach students to translate their researches and to escape some wrong translation in their woks. 

Keywords: education, foreign language, special terms, professional words, difficulties in translation, “false


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2018 - 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7