Implementation of DIGITAl interactive technologies and e-learning tools in english language teaching for the development of translators’ professional competenceS

(On The Basis of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan)


Seri Lazzat

PhD student, Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages, KAZAKHSTAN,



The alternations occurring due to globalization processes have determined the success of intercultural communication and professional development in our times. Since there is a necessity to interact with people as from other cultures so of various professions. Therefore, educators are responsible for an adequate instruction and as EL teachers we feel our class is the right place to develop specific abilities and professional skills such as intercultural communicative competence and professional competence development. Moreover, we should take into account that the growth of digital, interactive and Internet technologies, and spread of e-learning and distance education have impacted and reshaped the EL teaching and learning processes into a new wave. This paper focuses on the application of digital, interactive, Internet technologies and ICT as effective tools in intercultural communication and professional training of translators at higher education institutions of Kazakhstan. Based on some theoretical considerations, the author shares the most relevant webpages and sites, e-learning online tasks proposing different activities to develop our learners` intercultural abilities and professional skills.

This paper discusses the ways in which technology can be used to create effective, engaging and relevant activities for our learners as in the classroom so distantly and virtually. The content will be of interest to anyone interested in using digital resources and interactive tools to support any form of education, namely e-learning, distant education or blended learning. The main aim of the paper is to introduce EL teachers to Internet technologies and ICT tools that they can experiment with and provide practical ideas for how they might and can apply these in the classroom and outside the classroom in order to develop learners` intercultural and professional competences.

Keywords: professional competence formation, foreign language education, ICT in translation, digital resources, internet technologies, e-learning tools, professional competency.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2018 - 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7