1Dr. Shahbaz Pervez, 2Shafiq ur Rehman, 3Dr Gasim Alandjani

1,3Dr. Yanbu University College, SAUDI ARABIA,,

2Mr, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, MALAYSIA,



With enormous development and cumulative role of technology in all walks of life, conventional and classical methods of education in classroom are no more attractive and efficient for the learners of the 21st century. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT), small gadgets are gaining wide popularity, especially, when students use wearable devices with small sensors for connectivity with learning systems. Modern interactive devices are equipped with IOT sensors, which can connect to end users devices and provide them limited access to download data as based on types of accounts they are using. The Internet of Things enables connection of devices to the Internet, is in the process of transforming numerous areas of our everyday lives. The online learning system with the help of Internet has deeply rooted itself into our schools, and e-learning has become a common practice in modern schooling systems. But the applications of the IoT in education are numerous, and the implications for this disruption are tremendous and it serves the system and community with many folds like the popularity of mobile technology. In addition, the IoT allows schools to improve the safety by tracking of key resources, and enhance access to information which facilitates teachers to create "smart lesson plans". The students, particularly in colleges/Universities, are progressively moving away from paper books toward IPADs/Tablets which are equipped with interactive apps with in-built graphics and simulations with liberty of time and space. This paper is discussing all aspects of IoT with their productivity level which will help educators and learners of modern era to learn from result of processed data, which shows different learning trends and with success ratio of those applied methods. Furthermore, we can also see the room for improvements in different sections based on age, category, region etc. The results will help the decision makers and suggest optimal teaching model for improvements on some particular platform for some particular community, with more specialized approaches. This will be done by an analysis on Big Data, generated by these IOT devices and variety of data will continue to reach into new areas that have never before been available for analysis. Interactions between teacher/student using media platforms, the automation of processes, and the aggregation of data coming from different sources that creates the Internet of Things (IoT). This digital transformation will reveal new insights that promise to change the way we think, learn and implement things in our real life and more specifically in the future education system.

Keywords: Cutting-edge, IoT, Smart Society, industrial 4.0, 5G, AIEd, IM.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2018 - 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7