Information and Communication Technologies in EU-focused Foreign Language Teaching


Maria S. Romanova

Assoc. Prof., PhD, Mari State University, Russia,



This article provides the experience and advice on the use of various information and communication technologies for teaching foreign languages (such as English, German and French and others) in the EU-focused context. This idea arose due to the fact that the countries of the European languages which students study are not just states with a rich historical and cultural past, but they are also members of the European Union. Even with the UK leaving the EU, the topic has not lost its relevance, since for many years this country has been part of the EU, and Brexit has been one of the main discussed topics for three years and is revealing the current situation in the country. Besides other English speaking countries like Scotland remain parts of the European Union.

In this connection, it is necessary to update approaches in teaching EU-languages firstly in the content, including more information about the current state of the target - language countries, and secondly in active use the possibilities of new computer technologies.

The article presents tools for improving various types of language skills: resources for practicing vocabulary, listening, speaking and reading skills. The ICT-technologies can encourage language study and motivate students to analyze and express their points of view. This paper is also proposing various tasks options that can be given to students for deepening their knowledge of the European Union. This can help to present relevant information about a state and socio-economic structure of the EU countries, the main directions of culture and education, science, innovation and different spheres of social life.

Keywords: technology, tools, the European Union, target - language countries, foreign language teaching


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1